Let The Sun Pay
Your Power Bills

Green Energy, Better Lives

With our knowledge and experience of solar solutions we bring product value and expert problem-solving services to the table. We are one of the best in this industry providing turn-key consumer solutions and services, because we believe that solar systems are a customized engineering solution and not simply a product to be bought off the market.
For years, our solar solutions have been powering customers and communities to generate power for their need and enabling financial independence from monthly bills. We offer a wide range of consumer solutions tailor-made for the needs of every customer.

Grid Connected Solar Rooftops

The grid-connected solar system is a battery-less photovoltaic (PV) based system for a range of establishments from small residential and commercial rooftops to large scale utilities in industries. This is a pragmatic solution for consumers with uninterrupted grid supply who wish to reduce power bills.

Grid-connected system operates such that-

If solar is generating:

  • Enough power, no power will be drawn from grid.
  • Excess power, power will be exported to the grid.
  • Partial load, remaining power will be drawn from grid.
  • No power, grid will be source of supply.
  • There is no storage of power.

Features and Facts

  • Permanent shield against ever increasing grid power tariffs
  • Easy to install and battery-free system with no recurring costs
  • Quick payback period of 3 to 4 years
  • Reliable and durable with a life of more than 25 years
  • Negligible operation and maintenance (O&M) costs
  • Income tax benefits for business account and commercial entities

Did You Know?

Per unit production cost of grid-connected solar system is less than Rs.2/kWh against current grid tariff of Rs 10 – 13 /kWh!

Off – Grid Solar Rooftops

Tired of facing frequent power cuts? Want an independent back-up system?

Off-grid solar systems are recommended for locations with frequent power outages. These work independently of the main grid utilizing battery storage. An off-grid system consists of solar PV Array, battery, and Power Conditioning Unit (PCU).

Solar energy is converted to power and stored in the batteries, which is utilized on priority in the absence of main grid supply, upto a certain level of battery discharge. Off-grid solar power systems are designed to charge the battery bank via charge controllers to provide necessary backup. If battery drains below a certain level and solar energy is not available, the Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) switches a source of power to mains, to have enough backup for emergency.

Features and Facts

  • Ability of independent power production
  • Avoid wastage of fuel on generator back-up during power cuts
  • Advance features with remote monitoring

Solar Water Pumps

Solar water pumps use a PV array to capture solar energy and a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) converts DC power to AC power, which is used for operating the pump set. Water discharge varies with variation in sunlight.

Features and Facts

  • No grid electricity required for water supply
  • Unattended operation with incredibly low maintenance
  • No need of replacing existing pumps
  • Dry running protection
  • Energy efficient pump controllers
  • Exceptionally reliable with long operating life

Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heater is an eco-friendly way of heating water for residential, domestic, or commercial purposes. The system consists of solar evacuated (ETC) tube collectors and storage tanks. Solar energy is used to heat water in the ETC tubes.
Based on the principle of Thermosyphon hot water which has low density moves upward and is stored in the storage tank for use.

Available Range

 Model No. of Tubes Serves Area Required (NS x EW)
100 LPD 10 2 – 3 77″ x 36″
150 LPD 15 3 – 4 77″ x 52″
200 LPD 20 5 – 6 77″ x 69″
250 LPD 25 7 – 8 77″ x 85″
300 LPD 30 9 – 10 77″ x 99″
500 LPD 32 12 – 15 82″ x 100″


  • Reliable & Durable
  • Easy installation and maintenance-free
  • 2 mm GI tank, for hard water applications
  • Completely safe
  • Strong frame design
  • Wide range of variety for different needs – 100 LPD to 500 LPD
  • Electrical backup facility (optional)

Our Other Offerings

Operation & Maintenance of Solar Plants

Solar Street Lights

Heat Pump